Thursday, January 12, 2006

note on the midnight

How to start the Apache Web Server in Redhat 9.0
Redhat 9 comes with Apache webserver. This is installed by default, but does not run at boot up.

To run Apache type the following at the command prompt:

/etc/init.d/httpd start

To test it type:

/etc/init.d/httpd status

If apache is running you should see something like the following:

httpd (pid 1844 1843 1842 1841 1840 1839 1838 1837 1828) is running...

There are several ways to run Apache at bootup, and here is one of the simple ones.
To run Apache at bootup type:

vi /etc/rc.local

This will open rc.local in the text editor "vi". Arrow down to the bottom of the text (there may not be any yet, in which case it will be the first line) and add:

/etc/init.d/httpd start

Then type :w and enter it (writes the file, i.e. saves it)
Followed by :q and enter it (quits the vi text editor)

How to add a new user in Redhat 9.0
To add a user and set up the directories you want that user to have, use the useradd command. By default, this will add a user and create a home dircetory for that user, which will be located in /home.

EXAMPLE: /usr/sbin/useradd yourname will create the user yourname, and make the directory /home/yourname

Set the password for the new user by running passwd. This will give the user a password and activate the account.

EXAMPLE: /usr/bin/passwd yourname. You will be prompted twice for a password.

NOTE: If you want useradd to create more default directories than just /home/newuser, you can add them to /etc/skel. Anything you add to this directory will be created when you add a new user.

EXAMPLE: mkdir /etc/skel/www will add a directory called www to the skel dir. Now whenever you run useradd to create a new user, it will also create a www directory in the new users home directory.

There are also some options for useradd you can add if you wish, such as changing where the users home directory will be, or which skeleton directory to use. For more information on useradd options go to

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